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This one has a screenshot!
Published on July 13, 2008 By FinalSonicX In Game Development Journals

so much has happened since the last update. I've utilized the Bresenham line algorithm to finish up the zombie AI, and it works like a dream! The zombies can successfully chase any humans that come in their line of sight, but the humans can try to sneak around (if their sneak skill is good enough). The humans better not get too close though, or the zombies can smell you and hunt you down! Hiding inside buildings will help, but it won't stop the zombie horde! the size of the building, the density of humans, and the distance from the humans to the zombies determine their aggressiveness in breaking down the barricades. and trust me, they WILL break them down. In my simulations I've been running, they will successfully tear down doors and even walls, given enough time.

That's one major thing I have working right now. any impassable locations destroyed will be broken and a new entrance for zombies (or an exit for humans if they make clever use of the destructible terrain).

civilian AI is still a work in progress, but it shouldn't be too difficult to implement. after I finish that and I finish the user interface (it's almost done and there's a screenshot at the bottom) I'm going to begin actual testing for gameplay and various other things. once that is all finished actual content wil lbe progressively added to the game and it will be at that stage that I'll be moving out of pre-alpha and into the alpha development stage. that stage will signify that the engine work is done for the most part.

Right now I'm going to be calling this game Blood Holiday (tentative title. credit goes to Pixeleo), but my friend suggested to me that the game be called "The Flesh of July", to highlight the idea that the outbreak takes place on the 4th of july. I'm not sure which name to pick so if you have an opinion go ahead and post a comment (or go ahead and post if you have a new name to suggest!).

And as a special treat here's a Screenshot of the User Interface I'll be using for testing (note that the picture represents a work in progress and the final user interface can and probably will change. especially considering that its missing a couple of elements).

User Interface Pre-Alpha:

just tell me if you have trobule seeing the image. if you have troubles, try right clicking and then click on "view image" or something similar.

be sure to post a comment and tell me what you think! I'm always interested in what people have to say!


on Jul 13, 2008
So it's kinda RL-esque in Java? You could pass it on to some roguelike websites for publicity. No major suggestions. Maybe replace some of the interface and make your audience memorize keyboard commands. It builds character, and allows more screen space for those of us with a pathetic 17-inch screen (<-Humor).


Rogue Basin (wiki)


Rogue Temple
on Jul 13, 2008

well gameplay is similar to a rogue-like except it's much more open (less narrow corridors), and it won't be randomly generated. it will work off of a map system.

also, the game will support a multitude of keyboard commands, so playing by keyboard or by mouse is possible (except movement with requires the keyboard). attack is a matter of point and click if you want it to be, and 90% of the functions will be covered by the keyboard.

I'm hesitant to post this on rogue-like sites since my game is technically not a rogue-like, because the rogue-like display is only for debug purposes. it will eventually be swapped out with actual bitmap images before the final release.

on Jul 13, 2008

and I also forgot to mention that the User Interface is 1024x768, so as long as you can run your computer at that resolution you can play the game.

on Jul 13, 2008

Looking forward to this

title suggestion; 'Run!'

on Jul 16, 2008

Looks good. One suggestion for the title; "Bloody Holiday: The Flesh of July." Then if you do a sequel or something, you can do another holiday and title that "Blood Holiday: Whatever."

on Jul 18, 2008

you know what, I think I'm going to use that title instead of one or the other! haha thanks man.