Hey everybody! It's been a little over a week since I last posted an update and I wanted to first apologize for the long wait. my birthday was last week so I spent most of my time out with friends and family. I also saw The Dark Knight, which was pretty much the best movie in the last couple of years (and most certainly the greatest comic book movie so far). but that doesn't mean I've been slacking off! I've made some pretty serious progress since the last time I updated my blog.
One of the biggest and most exciting announcements I have is that I've convinced my friend to help me out with the task of creating all of the art assets to be used in the game! my friend has already finished multiple icons to represent the various items you will hold in your inventory! he has about a dozen guns and a couple of other weapons and items like medkits already done. now I just need to code in a few numbers and get the GUI working properly for the inventory and you guys will get to see some of the cool stuff he's made. we might even give you guys a sample of our work some time this month.
I've also updated my Title so that it will be called (tentatively) "Blood holiday: The Flesh of July". not bad eh? thanks to my friend derbal for suggesting that I mix the two titles given by others.
Another big step forward is that I have successfully completed the algorithm for loading maps and scenarios. now all I need to do is implement it in the actual game, which should be about as easy as flicking a switch and re-arranging a couple lines of code. once that's in the game, it should be very easy to edit my test simulations whenever I want to.
And the last big step forward I've made is that I finished adding my text updater, which will give the player an update of all of the events that happen during gameplay. it also has a scrollbar that should theoretically allow the player to scroll up and see the entire event log for that session. the text updater will inform the player of the results from attacks, special events, the effects of items, dialogue or ambient sounds (such as zombie moaning), and other things.
so as promised, here is the new screenshot:
enjoy! and please remember, the above screenshot is a WORK IN PROGRESS and in no way represents the final product. note that "Debug Man" is my character's name and the reason you can't see me on the board anymore is because I was eaten by zombies
so in the coming days I'll be returning to my previous level of high productivity, and I'll be working on integrating the file loader, tweaking the civilian AI, finishing the quick sheet (the big black box on the right side of the user interface, which will give the player an analysis of the player's condition), implementing loading and saving games, and expanding the test map.
please leave a comment expressing your thoughts or opinions on the progress I've made (or just the game in general). I'm always interested in reading what people have to say!